
Everyone who against policies will get penalty!!!

1. This website is committed to protecting users' freedom of speech.
2. Please avoid posting content unrelated to the topic, although this will not result in any consequences.
3. We do not review users' posts; however, anyone can report inappropriate content, and the site administrators will review and take appropriate action.
4. Personal attacks, insults, or instigations are prohibited outside the "You guys gonna fight here" section. Violators will have their posts/comments deleted, and may face a ban from one hour to one month, depending on the severity.
5. Any discriminatory comments based on targeted attacks are prohibited. Violators will face a ban from one hour to one month, depending on the severity.
6. Comments related to terrorism, fascism, or political propaganda are prohibited. Violators will face a ban from one week to one month, and in severe cases, their account will be deleted.
7. All commercial/profit-making activities are prohibited. Violators will face a ban from one day to one month, and in severe cases, their account will be deleted.
8. Cyberbullying and doxxing are prohibited. Violators will face a ban from one week to one month, and in severe cases, their account will be deleted. Anyone involved in such activities must apologize to the victim, and the victim’s forgiveness or refusal will directly affect the severity of the punishment.
9. Any explicit sexual content is prohibited. Violators will face a ban from one hour to one month, and child pornography will result in account deletion.
10. Spamming is prohibited. Violators will face a ban from one hour to one week, depending on the severity.
11. If any vulnerabilities on the website are discovered, please contact the developers. Any unauthorized hacking behavior will be subject to legal responsibility.
12. By registering an account on this website, you agree to the privacy policy.
13. We will continue to improve the website management regulations.
14. All the posts that violate our policies will be deleted.