Welcome to HYPOXI Club!!!

Under development, stay tuned.
This is a demo!
registration is currently unavailable!

A Free world for communicating! I created this site completely for fun. I wanna have a place to make new friends who have the same hobbies as me since real world communication is pretty hard for me.

I strongly suggest you guys who new to here read FAQ at first!

Learn More


HYPOXI Club is just like a forum. Everyone can post your own blog here with no limit (but you can report those ones against our policies). You can see that we have several parts. They are the main themes we talk about in this website. But you can still talk about other things in "Something else".


The main topics of this website is based on my hobbies. You can talk about game, music, animation and some politics. Consider that someone like to start a fight on the internet, I set a "battlefield" for those guys who wanna be aggressive.

About Us

Up to now, I develop this website by myself. But you can still see all our administrators here.



Creator, developer and owner of this websit. This name comes from word "hypoxia". I've been using it for nickname for 5 years.

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